Today was a good day we started at breakfast as a museum at Dalby full of old cars and tractors, The food was really nice and it was in one of the old sheds full of old fire engines, there was some very intersting equipment there that serviced Dalby for a number of years some of the stuff was dated back to the late 1800's
These are some of the old trucks in the yard.
This is a old hearse complete with a coffin in the back it was a bit eary.
This is an old steam train.
Today was a great rewarding day for us we went to a couple of schools and handed out our goodies as the kids came running to the cars all the escarpadiens started unloading our water pistols on the kids, the kids where having a great time, then we went and participated in the puppet show yes we are thing singing and dancing as part of the show, the puppets tell the kids that they shouldn't treat kids differantly when they are sick. the kids loved it and as we left we unloaded the water pistols again we actually filled our water can 3 times and we left empty, that is more then 60lts of water.
This is the puppets in action telling the kids about how to deal with kids living with cancer it was a really good show for all of us.
This is the boys at the hotel in Goondawindi it has been a big day with a number of muddy river crossings and we have a large number of admirers we are out performing a number of cars in the kombi on these river crossings and muddy tracks, we have met a number of people who everyday ask us how we are going and they are impressed with the staminar we have.
I leave you now with a comment that was made today from one of the cars.
"That Kraut can will not get across there"
Didn't I have great pleasure calling over the radio the Kraut Can is through no rope on the front good luck with your crossing.
Tonight is the awards night i will update tonight if we win anything. At least it will not be anything from the car as the front number plate is still in the cabin.